The present work reports the studies performed to investigate the influence of some metallurgical factors in the microbial colonisation and corrosion of drinking water network materials. Cold rolling process applied to row materials submitted to drinking water dynamic tests seems not to affect substrata areas colonisation distribution as compared to as received condition of tubing materials. However, samples exposed to hydrodynamic and static tests with three different accumulated plastic deformation show diverse magnitude of localised attack but non-correlative with the substrata surface energy.
Información general
Fecha de exposición:31 de agosto de 2010
Fecha de publicación:2010
Idioma del documento:Inglés
Evento:VII Latin Corr (Quito, Ecuador, 31 de agosto al 3 de septiembre de 2010)
Institución de origen:Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología de Pinturas
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