En español
Se presentan en este trabajo distintos ensayos realizados con dos secadores solares domésticos, uno con flujo de aire producido por un sistema chimenea concentrador CPC y extractor eólico de tipo turbina de eje vertical, y otro con flujo forzado mediante dos ventiladores eléctricos adosados a un panel fotovoltaico. Los ensayos cubren pruebas de evaporación de agua libre, simulación de producto higroscópico y secado de carne.
En inglés
Different tests, destined to the production of dried meet, are presented. These tests were performed using produced by a CPC concentrator chimney and a wind turbine, and a solar domestic drier with forced airflow produced by two dc fans, operated by a photovoltaic module. These tests were performed on different climatic conditions, and cover free water evaporation tests, and meat drying. The results obtained are compared between them.