In Bluetooth networks, devices are organized into small piconets and large scatternets, and each node acts as the role of master, slave or gateway. Due to dynamic topology changes, different bandwidth available and unpredictable interference of media in Bluetooth networks, the congestion of data flow will inevitably emerges on the link, and the gateway has to switch between piconets on a time division basis, so its presence in the different piconet has to be controlled by scheduling mechanism such as inter- and intra -piconet scheduling. However, the time division in gateways will limit the network capacity and introduce bottleneck points in the network, and the switch between piconets will prevent the packet from transmitting smoothly and efficiently. Most of the published work on Bluetooth scheduling has focused on the polling scheme between master and slaves. In this paper, we put our approach on the inner constraints of Bluetooth networks and present a constraint-based scheduler (CBS), to adaptively cater to the changing role of each node throughout Bluetooth ad hoc networks, thereby it will save time and definitely enhance fairness and efficiency on packet scheduling in Bluetooth environment.