In Spanish
Este trabajo analiza las estimaciones realizadas para el sector “A” del Producto Bruto Geográfico de Santiago del Estero, con la intención de corroborar si contemplan el aporte de la agricultura familiar. Mediante el estudio en profundidad de los informes publicados sobre el PBG provincial, revisiones de bases de datos y entrevistas a informantes clave, se identificaron inconsistencias en 32 de las 53 actividades previstas para el sector. Se concluye que el producto sectorial estaría subestimado, no sólo por no considerar la contribución de la agricultura familiar sino también por inconsistencias para parte de la actividad formal.
In English
This paper studies how the estimates of "A" sector of the Gross Regional Product of Santiago del Estero were built, with the intention of corroborating whether the contribution of family farming is considered. Through an in-depth study of published reports on the provincial GRP, databases reviews and interviews with key informants, inconsistencies were identified in 32 of the 53 sector activities. It's concluded that there would be underestimation of the sectoral product, which would not only come from lack of consideration of the contribution of family farming, but also from inconsistencies in part of the formal activity.