he distribution of light in the Peculiar Galaxy IC 4662 has been studied by means of photographic photometry. From the relation of the intensities of the emission lines of the nuclear region has been estimated Nₑ= 5.8 x 10³ and Tₑ= 15000 K. The curve Vᵣ vs. R shows a velocity difference ΔV = = 100 km/sec between the asymmetric arm and the nuclear region. Assuming this to be a pure rotation an estimate of the Keplerian Mass of the galaxy up to a radius R = 0.3 kpc gives M = 7 x 10⁹ solar masses. A different value has been obtained from the virial theorem M = 0.5 x 10⁹ solar masses. For the adopted values M = 3 x 10⁹ solar masses and M = — 17 we obtain M/L ∼ 3. The small dimensions (1 kpc x 0.7 kpc) and the low luminosity show it to be a dwarf galaxy.
Información general
Fecha de publicación:1970
Idioma del documento:Español
Revista:Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía; no. 15
Institución de origen:Asociación Argentina de Astronomía
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