En español
Se estudiaron 11 cepas de Campylobacter spp. aisladas de fetos porcinos identificadas y biotipificadas por pruebas bioquímicas: 8 como Campylobacter. jejuni biotipo II (C. jejuni), 2 C. jejuni biotipo I y 1 Campylobacter coli (C. coli). Las cepas aisladas se diferenciaron por 2 técnicas de biología molecular: corte con enzimas de restricción del ADN genómico total (REA) utilizando las enzimas Haelll y Hindlll y corte del PCR gen fla-A utilizando la enzima Ddel. El REA mostró siete patrones de restricción diferentes en las 11 cepas estudiadas y se pudieron observar mínimas diferencias entre C. jejuni y C. coli. Con PCR-RFLP se pudieron diferenciar 6 patrones dentro de la especie C. jejuni biotipo II de Lior y no se pudo distinguir entre ambas especies. PCR-RFLP resultó ser una herramienta adecuada para diferenciar entre las cepas de Campylobacter spp. aisladas de algunos establecimientos.
En inglés
Eleven Campylobacter strains isolated from three different farms were studied. Eight strains were identified as Campylobacter jejuni biotype II of Lior, 2 as C. jejuni biotype I and 1 as C. coli biotype I. Two molecular methods were applied in order to differentiate these strains: genomic DNA restriction enzyme analysis (REA) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of PCR fla-A gene. Seven different patterns were shown for the 11 strians studied by means of REA and minimal differences between C. coli and C. jejuni were observed. By means of PCR-RFLP 6 restriction patterns were found among Lior’s C. jejuni biotype II strains. Digestion of the PCR fla-A gene with DdeI enzime could not discriminate between C. jejuni and C. coli. However, the PCR-RFLP method provides a suitable tool for epidemiological purposes to differentiate Campylobacter strains, even among strains isolated from same farms.