Numerical simulations of seismic wave propagation in fractured media are often performed in the framework of the linear slip theory (LST). Therein, fractures are represented as interfaces and their mechanical properties are characterized through a compliance matrix. This theory has been extended to account for energy dissipation due to viscous friction within fluid-filled fractures by using complex-valued frequency-dependent compliances. This is, however, not fully adequate for fractured porous rocks in which wave-induced fluid flow (WIFF) between fractures and host rock constitutes a predominant seismic attenuation mechanism. In this letter, we develop an approach to incorporate WIFF effects directly into the LST for a 1D system via a complex-valued, frequency-dependent fracture compliance. The methodology is validated for a medium permeated by regularly distributed planar fractures, for which an analytical expression for the complex-valued normal compliance is determined in the framework of quasistatic poroelasticity. There is good agreement between synthetic seismograms generated using the proposed recipe and those obtained from comprehensive, but computationally demanding, poroelastic simulations.