In Spanish
Este trabajo procura reconstruir desde una perspectiva histórico-educativa la serie discursiva que organiza la formación del sujeto pedagógico aprendiz. Tomando como punto de partida el período colonial, es posible distinguir la presencia de un sector social organizado en torno a la enseñanza de oficios. A partir del análisis de esta escena de enseñanza, se busca reconstruir los elementos y series que constituyen los discursos modernos en torno a la identidad del aprendiz. La figura del aprendiz presenta características singulares que organizaron un sujeto pedagógico alternativo al configurado en torno a las formas de subjetivación de la infancia y la minoridad.
In English
Among the different possible infancies that appeared in Argentina from the end of 18th century up to the 19th, several similarities and differences can be distinguished.In this particular work, we will investigate the characterization of the apprentice as the pedagogic subject that occupies the center of the discourses on education and work. Giving new meaning to a tradition that comes from the Middle Ages, the figure of the apprentice attempts to be a way of creating a subjectivity, in which the main characteristics of the above mentioned discourses come to a condensed and articulated form. This work carries out a guided-by-traces reconstruction of the elements and series that constitute the discourses about the figure of the apprentice.