In Spanish
En Women in Western Political Thought, Susan Moller Okin busca mostrar, mediante el análisis de una serie de autores paradigmáticos del pensamiento político occidental, que la causa de que las mujeres continuemos siendo ciudadanas de segunda radica en que la mujer ha sido pensada casi siempre desde una perspectiva funcionalista: ninguno de los autores puede pensar a la mujer fuera del ámbito privado y como madres-esposas. Partiendo de esta hipótesis, este trabajo pretende reconstruir la lectura que la autora realiza de Platón y Aristóteles.
In English
In Women in Western Political Thought, Susan Moller Okin attempts to demonstrate, by analysing a series of paradigmatic Western political thinkers, that what causes women to remain second-class citizens is the fact that they have ususally been seen from a functionalist mode of thought. Neither author is able to consider woman outside the private sphere and her role as wive/mother. From this starting hypothesis, this article intends to reconstruct Moller Okin’s reading of Plato and Aristotle.