In Spanish
Siguiendo los estudios previos que toman a la historia como objeto de representación social, el presente estudio analiza cómo los eventos y personajes de la historia nacional y universal se agrupan en función de su evaluación en una muestra de 72 habitantes de la zona metropolitana de Buenos Aires (69,4% mujeres, edad: M=39).
In English
Collective memory is a set of representations, attitudes and cognitive affective practices of the past that a group preserves, processed and transmitted through the interaction of its members. These are psychological processes that transcend individuals, even it is through them that manifest. Social representations of history have the functions of explaining a social group how their reality became what it is and giving justifications to the responses and attitudes towards current challenges. Social representations of history, as social constructs of commonsense knowledge, guide individuals in the immediate context allowing their adaptation to the physical world, and their integration in social interactions questioning membership to different groups.