En español
Las empresas son organizaciones cuyos principales activos son los recursos humanos y, por lo tanto, dependen de su rendimiento laboral (RL) para alcanzar las metas que garanticen subsistencia y competitividad. Sin embargo, a pesar de la popularidad e importancia del constructo, no existe consenso acerca de cómo medir el RL, lo cual ha derivado en la existencia de numerosos instrumentos para evaluarlo. El propósito del presente estudio fue adaptar y validar el cuestionario de Rendimiento Laboral Individual de Koopmans y colaboradores, para su empleo con trabajadores argentinos. Dicho cuestionario, autoadministrable, está integrado por 18 ítems diseñados para medir tres dimensiones del RL (rendimiento en la tarea, rendimiento en el contexto y comportamientos contraproducentes).
En inglés
Companies are organizations where the principal actors are their human resources, and hence they rely on their job performance (JP) to reach the goals that ensure survival and competitiveness. However, in spite of the popularity and importance of this construct, there is no consensus about how to measure JP. This situation has led to the existence of numerous instruments to explore it. The purpose of the present study was toadapt and validate the Koopmans´ Individual Work Performance Questionnaire for its use with Argentinian workers. This self-administered questionnaire is composed of 18 items designed to measure three JP dimensions (task performance, contextual performance, and counterproductive behaviors). After the corresponding Spanish translation, the adapted instrument was administrated to a sample of 215 workers from different companies. The data obtained was submitted to an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in order to identify the factorial structure of the scale. Moreover, whereas two JP dimensions (task and contextual performance) showed a positive significant correlation with job satisfaction and affective commitment, counterproductive behaviors exhibited a negative relationship with such variables. To conclude, the current study presented the validation of an instrument with adequate psychometric properties to measure JP with samples of Argentinian workers, regardless of their activity type. A valid, reliable and parsimonious scale was achieved, allowing to measure employee JP quickly and effectively through 13.