En español
El presente trabajo propone interrogar las ideas en torno al cuerpo y sus producciones, lo que implica necesariamente adoptar una postura abierta y flexible, disponible a la articulación de las distintas miradas y aportes. Trabajar sobre el cuerpo nos enfrenta con un concepto que no es unívoco, sino más bien complejo y amplio en el que cada disciplina tiene su propio modo de concebirlo, así como también de comprender la relación que éste guarda con la psiquis. Para realizar el abordaje de esta temática nos centraremos desde la perspectiva de la Psicomotricidad, una disciplina que tiene como objeto de estudio el cuerpo y sus manifestaciones, y que extiende su campo de intervención a todas las problemáticas que comprometen a la corporeidad.
En inglés
This work explores the different ways to understand the body and its productions. The concept of body is highly complex due to the particular meaning that each scientific area of the psychology gives to it. For instance, each discipline has its own way to understand the relation between the body and the psyche. The present approach is developed from the psychomotor perspective, conceiving the body as a construction that starts at the early childhood and evolves as a consequence of the interactions with others, from being immersed in a social world. That makes an organism to become a body. We understand the body as a bio-psycho-social unity, which links the movements to a context. (Postural security, affective security, space and its possibilities of exploration). Since the Psychoanalysis is originally focused in certain phenomena and body’s symptoms that hysterical patients present, this could constitute a possible articulation point to the psychomotor field of knowledge. We propose a theoretical search through the psychomotricity framework with the intention to identify the influence that Psychoanalysis had on the main psychomotor conceptualizations.