The reaction e+e− → e+e−γ ∗γ ∗ → e+e− hadrons for quasi-real photons is studied using data from √s = 183 GeV up to 202 GeV. Results on the total cross sections σ (e+e− → e+e− hadrons) and σ (γ γ → hadrons) are given for the two- photon centre-of-mass energies 5 GeV Wγ γ 185 GeV. The total cross section of two real photons is described by a Regge parametrisation. We observe a steeper rise with the two-photon centre-of-mass energy as compared to the hadron–hadron and the photon–proton cross sections. The data are also compared to the expectations of different theoretical models.
Información general
Fecha de publicación:25 de octubre de 2001
Idioma del documento:Inglés
Revista:Physics Letters B; vol. 519, no. 1-2
Institución de origen:Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
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