Notes on imaginary and environmental risks: global warning between the apocalypse and marketing
Subtítulo:Myths, narrative and the construction of imaginaries: the value of media communication during the times of global warming and sustainable development
Already in 1986, the sociologist Nikolas Luhman had recognized the critical role of communication in the assertion process for environmental themes and values of reference inside the society and its systems of specialization. At that time the excess of communicative environmentalism was considered a danger for society. Nowadays this appears as the linchpin of a strategy meant to get out from a problem which the German scholar defined “of an unlikely growing complexity”.
Eje: Conferencias.
Información general
Fecha de exposición:agosto 2011
Fecha de publicación:2011
Idioma del documento:Inglés
Evento:III Congreso Internacional sobre Cambio Climático y Desarrollo Sustentable (La Plata, 2011)
Institución de origen:Universidad Nacional de La Plata
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