With the greater importance of parallel architectures such as GPUs or Xeon Phi accelerators, the scientific community has developed efficient solutions in the bioinformatics field. In this context, FPGAs begin to stand out as high performance devices with moderate power consumption. This paper presents and evaluates a parallel strategy of the well-known Smith-Waterman algorithm using OpenCL on Intel/Altera’s FPGA for long DNA sequences. We efficiently exploit data and pipeline parallelism on a Intel/Altera Stratix V FPGA reaching upto 114 GCUPS in less than 25 watt power requirements.
Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 10209).
Información general
Fecha de exposición:27 de abril de 2017
Fecha de publicación:2017
Idioma del documento:Inglés
Evento:5th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO 2017) (Granada, Spain, 26-28 April, 2017)
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