The quasielastic charged current (CCQE) νen→e⎯pνen→e−p scattering is the dominant mechanism to detect appearance of a νe in an almost νμ flux at the 1 GeV scale. Actual experiments show a precision below 1% and between less known background contributions, but necessary to constraint the event excess, we have the radiative corrections. A consistent model recently developed for the simultaneous description of elastic and radiative πN scattering, pion-photoproduction and single pion production processes, both for charged and neutral current neutrino-nucleon scattering, is extended for the evaluation of the radiative νlN→νlNγνlN→νlNγ cross section. Our results are similar to a previous (but inconsistent) theoretical evaluation in the low energy region, and show an increment in the upper region where the Δ resonance becomes relevant.